Title: Driving Project Viability Via A Modular Delivery Model
Type: Webinar
Date: Jun 29, 2023
Time: 9:00 am CST
Location: Online
Summary: Join Koch Modular Vice President, Tom Schafer, to learn how to develop a project execution strategy that delivers cost and schedule certainty from concept to commercialization.
Developing technology projects face unique challenges and require project drivers that maximize the probability of advancing through process development phases and financial decision gates. A modular delivery model is well-suited to provide the project certainty needed to ensure the greatest probability of meeting project financing hurdles, providing cost and schedule advantages, and project certainty throughout the project lifecycle as compared to a traditional field construction project execution strategy. Our industry expert will discuss potential project delivery challenges, how and when a modular delivery model is best suited as an execution model, and its benefits compared to traditional field construction.
Join us to gain valuable insights and learn from current relevant project examples and lessons learned. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and drive your projects to success with a modular delivery model.